First Edition

Matlock Cycling Club Newsletter

October 2003

Have you filled in your Free Food Form for the Lea Green Event?

Matlock Cycling Club's Home Page.

1. Club Room.

The Barn club room is open each Thursday evening from about 20.00.

Date Activity Time Coordinator
2nd October Wheel building demonstration 8pm Paul Rodgers
9th October Land‘s End to John O‘Groats 8pm Phil
16th October Dr Bike 8pm Rob
23rd October 24 Hour Championship 8pm Richard & Eric
30th October New Peak Hillclimb Challenge 8pm Paul Rodgers

1) Learn how to build wheels that run true.

2) Late 80‘s video footage of Phil and 5 mates doing the End to End.

3) Dr Bike sessions are open to all members of the community. These sessions are by appointment only. Please ring Rob to book an appointment.

4) Question and answer session with Richard and Eric.

5) Help to devise a hillclimb challenge for cycle tourists in the peak.

2. Mountain Bike Section.

Meets each Saturday morning in October at the station car park entrance. These rides meet at 9.15 and leave at 9.30.

Monday evening rides start outside the Laburnum, Hackney Road, at 18.30.

Further details of both outings from Tony Holmes.

3. Thanks.

Thanks to Dave Thornley for his help with the three events on the first Saturday in September. Thanks to Rob for his help with the Dr Bike at the BB.

4. Web Sites.

Matlock Cycling Club‘s Home Page can be found at

Mark Fairman, our webmaster, needs information, news, views, photos, jpegs, etc for the web site. He can be contacted by Email

The club‘s newsletters and results can be found at

5. Club Subscriptions.

These remain the same as 2003. Seniors: £10, Under-23: £5, Under-18: £1, Family: £15. All under -18 members are required to be members of either the BCF or the CTC. Tony knows the BCF subscription rates. Subscriptions to Tony Holmes please.

6. Press Secretary.

Chris Hopkinson is our PRO/Press Secretary. Chris can be reached: Telephone & Fax 01773 873376, Mobile 07957 756552, Email, Please send Emails as text with no attachments.

7. Newsletters.

If you would prefer to receive an electronic version rather than the printed version please Email Mark Fairman (see above for the address). The actual format that the letter will take is still under discussion, but will probably take the form of an HTML file.

8.2003 Tuesday Evening Rides.

These leave Crown Square at 19.00 hours. Contact Richard Thoday for more details on 01629 582300.

9. Timekeepers.

Ever thought of being a timekeeper? The club needs timekeepers for club events and for open events. Training provided. Please let me know if you could help.

10. Results of Time Trials 2003.

The results of the club‘s time trials can be found on the website. Comments on the mistakes welcomed and sought.

11. Open Time Trials 2004.

The time trials events for 2004 are:

Day Date Event Course TimeCost Organiser
Saturday 6th March Hilly AH/2 14.00 £5.50 OC
Sunday 14th March BDCA Hilly AH/7 09.00£6.00 LS
Sunday 2nd May 10 A10/16 08.00 £5.50 OC
Tuesday 8th June Grouse A10/16 18.30 £5.50 CH
Sunday 4th July Tarmac A25/12 08.00 £5.50 RG
Sunday 24th October Riber AHC/1 10.00 £5.50 OC

Club events in 2003.

Other events in 2003.

Note the change to the National Trophy cyclo cross to the weekend of 18/19th October 2003!

12. Results of Open Events

Open Hilly 25 result

Tarmac 25 result

Open 10

BDCA Hilly Result

13. Monday Morning Rides.

These start from Cromford Market Place at 9.30 and return around 12.30(?) It won‘t always rain and chains will stay in one piece. Ring 01629 734996 for more details.

14. Creatine.

Do you use creatine or have views on its use?

Michelle Rigby would like to know if you would be willing to answer a selection of questions inside a postal Questionnaire about your views on Creatine during October of this year (you don‘t have to be consumers of Creatine, she is just seeking opinions).

Her telephone number is (01332) 833050. Please could you telephone her any day after 4pm.

15.Holiday Snaps/Slides/jpegs.

When you go on holiday, please take plenty of images so that you can regale us with your exploits on a Thursday evening as part of the Club‘s Winter Programme. Please let Phil know if you have any.

16. Points in Club Events, 2003.

Points Update.

17.Summer Tour 2004

We intend to go to France around 10th-18th July 2004 and see part of a stage of the Tour de France. Expected cost around £500-£600. Transport by minibus or train or plane or some combination of these depending on the size of the group. Please let me know if you are interested.T de F dates and venues published late October.

18.Winter Cross.

October 4th Bramcote Park, near Beeston.
Oct 11th Sinfin Moor Park, Derby
Oct 18th Lea Green, near Cromford
Oct 19th Lea Green, near Cromford.
Oct 25th Moorways Sports Centre, Derby
Race times:

12-15 years starts at 12.30 and lasts about 20minutes.

Under - 12 years starts at 13.30 and lasts 10 minutes.

Over - 15 years starts at 14.15 and lasts 50 minutes.

The under - 12 race is free. Any bike is suitable. You need to be at the venue about 30 minutes before the race start to sign on, get your number and look at the course. More details from Harry.

All age groups gain points in each race to produce a final Notts and Derby League table.


The club‘s AGM takes place on Thursday, 20th November 2003. Nominations for club officers should be noted on the form in the club room. Any resolutions to be put before the meeting or other competent business must be with the secretary, Tony, in writing, 14 days before the meeting ie by Thursday, 6th November 2003.

The issue of sponsorship will form a significant topic for discussion at this AGM. Please note the date and be there.

20.Best Improvers Trophies.

This year‘s winners are - 10 mile, Gary Blackham 5.64% increase: Hilly, Sam Thorne 8,32% increase. Congratulations to both. Stewart Marsh will explain to you why you didn‘t win.

21.Lea Green/Riber Weekend.

Volunteers are needed to marshall the Lea Green events on the weekend of 18/19 October. Please help if you can.

The National Trophy race times are: Youth 10.30, Vets 11.15, U-12 12.30, Junior 13.15, Women 13.16, Senior 14.15.

Help is also needed on Sunday morning, 19th October for about 1 hour form 10.00 at Riber. It is possible to marshal at both events.

Please fill in the form sent out with the last newsletter and give to Dan so that marshalling can be arranged for the Sunday event - it will also ensure that you get some food.

22.Climbing Wall.

Chris Green is a qualified climbing instructor working sometimes at the Wirksworth climbing wall. If you would like to try your hand climbing on a Wednesday evening please contact Chris on 01629 582230. Group size is limited to 6.


If you know of any club member who would appreciate a get well card or a congratulations card or a commiserations card please let Phil Smith have the details.

24. Cyclo Cross Handbooks.

Harry hasa few of next seasons Cyclo Cross handbooks for sale at £5 each.

25. Club Charity 2003

Every year the club club decides to support a different charity and any funds raised from a variety of events will be donated to the charity chosen for that particular year.

In 2003 the charity is Muscular Dystrophy.

26.BSCA, East Midland Area Championships 2003

East Midland BSCA Championships 2003


Congratulations to our new conkers champion, Richard Clark. Coaching available, at a reasonable rate, for next year‘s championship.

28.Impruve Events

Note that Impruve clubs no longer exist! We are now a Go Ride Club!

Activities for all ages but especially those under 16.

29.BSCA East Midland Area Hill Climb Championships.


30.16th - 18th April 2004.

Chris Hopkinson does a David Blaine!?

31.What Happened to them?.

Following the ancient photo in August's Newsletter the following Email was received from Nick Swallow - one of the young riders in the photo.

I just happened to be looking through your website for old times sake and came across an old photo with the question 'Where are they now?'. I thought to myself that kid in the green coat looks kind of familiar, I think it's me!

This photo was taken at an ESCA circuit race in Lincoln about 12 or 14 years ago, I guess I was around fourteen. My first ever circuit race :) I think I got lapped and came no where

To answer the question, I have been living in Singapore for the last six years, working as a teacher and yes, still riding my bike. I ride together with the national team here (I hold a green card) and regularly do stage races around the region in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. I have won the Singapore national road race series for the past two years and have also had stage wins in races in other countries in the region (a bit of an improvement on that first race in Lincoln!).

Riding in Asia is quite a change from the back lanes of Derbyshire. It takes a bit of getting used to riding in tropical heat and monsoon rain storms, dodging monkeys and riding through oil palm plantations. One bonus is being able to wear shorts 52 weeks a year. There is a thriving cycling scene in this part of the world with some great racing if you ready to travel.

I still have good memories of the 'Darley Dale 10' and the 'Long Hilly' among many others and regularly check up to see how my old club is doing and to see which names I recognise. Glad to see MCC seems to be going from strength to strength.

So when are you going to have a summer tour to this part of the world?

All the best and hope you and your family are all well,

Nick Swallow

Harry Gould 01629 822259
Rob Gould 01629 822259
Tony Holmes 01629 734753
Phil 01629 825727
Richard Clark 01773 852117
Lee Shunburne01246 590081
Danny Alexander01773 853171
Danny Hopkinson01629 55013
Chris Hopkinson01773 873376


For more details Ring (01629) 734996 or Email

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What happened to them? - Nick swallow today!
Where is it?