Third Edition

Matlock Cycling Club Newsletter

Support your club by riding our many club events in June
The Darley Moor Race on Sunday, 10th June is ON

June 2001

Enter the Tarmac 25. Entries Close Tuesday, 19th June.

Matlock Cycling Club's Home Page.

1. Mountain Bike Section.

Meets each Saturday morning in June at the station car park entrance. These rides meet at 9.15 and leave at 9.30.

Monday evening rides start outside the Laburnum, Hackney Road at 18.30. Further details of both outings from Tony Holmes on 01629 734753.

2. Thanks.

Thanks to all who helped with the BSCA events at Darley Moor and the crits at the same venue.

3. Club Room.

The Barn club room is open each Thursday evening in June, after the hilly time trial, from about 19.30

Date Programme
Thursday, 28th JuneDr Bike

Ring Harry on 01629 822259 to book your appointment.

4. Newsletter.

Congratulations on finding our newsletters at We would value your comments on our efforts.

Try Matlock CC's Home Page which can also be found by using

or even as it says on the new club strip

Mark Fairman, our new webmaster needs information, news, views etc for the web site. He can be contacted by Email

5. Club Kit

Available soon?

Contact Steve Ward for more details - Tel;-01629583105 (day), 01629824334 (eve) Email

6. Press Secretary.

Ron Duggins is our Press Secretary . He can be reached on 01629 584677 or Email using . He needs your news by 20.00 on the Sunday evening.

7. Impruve Event

The next Impruve events are the Trix Award event on the 16th June and the Dr Bike session on Thursday June 21st

Phone Harry for further details and a Dr Bike appointment

8. Open Events,2001

Note date change for the BSCA MTB championships to 23rd June at Lincoln

9. Club Subscriptions

Club subscriptions for 2001 became due on the 1st January, 2001. They can be paid any time following the AGM. Club subs remain the same as 2000!

Please hand or send completed enrolment forms together with payment to Tony Holmes or Harry Gould.

The BCF have an offer on for club members who are 15 or younger and who have are not members of the BCF. The annual subscription to the BCF becomes £5 with a free racing licence for any branch of the sport. Harry and Tony have the details


Has any one seen the "20" trophy? Return urgently requested.Someone must have it!

11. Club Night Winter Programme.

Thanks for the suggestions. We still need more new ideas for winter 2001/2.The first planning session for next winter will be at the committee meeting on Friday, 13th July so please may we have some more ideas before then?

12.Touring Trophy 2001

13.Pedal Power 2002.

Please let Danny have any articles, pictures, drawings, anything for the next edition of Pedal Power due out just after Easter, 2002.

14.Darley Moor Events on June 10th.

The first event, 3/4/W/J start at 12.00. Please come and help if you can.

If you missed the judging training session in May, instruction will be provided at this race.

15. Club Events

Final Version(!?) of this year's club events is posted at club together with courses to be used.

If you are under 18 you must have a completed RTTC parental consent form before you race.

Day Date Event Course Time Start
Sunday 3rd June 50 Championships 8 06.30 Picory Corner
Tuesday 5th June 10 5 19.00 4 Lane Ends, DD
Thursday 7th June Long Hilly 7 19.00 Cromford Station
Tuesday 12th June 10 5 19.00 4 Lane ends, DD
Thursday 14th June Long Hilly 7 19.00 Cromford Station
Tuesday 19th June 10 5 19.00 4 Lane Ends
Thursday 21st June Taddington 9 18.30 Picory Corner
Tuesday 26th June 10 5 19.00 4 Lane Ends
Thursday 28th June Long Hilly Champs719.00Cromford Station

NoDistance Start Details
15 Lay-by on right on A6 A6-Ashford-left-Hassop island-Ashford
28 Cromford Railway Stn Lea Mill-Lea-5 ways-left-A615-Matlock
310 4 Lane Ends, B5057, DD A6-Picory Corner-Elton X roads-Darley Dale
425 Lay by near Firth Rixons Bakewell-Matlock-Bakewell-Darley Dale
510 4 Lane Ends, B5057, DD DD-Bakewell- Harrison Drive ,DD
711 Cromford Railway StnAs No. 2 + left at 5 ways, left, left and left to Lea
8 50 Picory Corner (Matlock - Bakewell)3
9 25 Picory Corner Tadd-Brierlow Bar-Neawhaven- Hawleys Bridge

16. Club Charity 2001

Every year the club club decides to support a different charity and any funds raised from a variety of events will be donated to the charity chosen for that particular year.

In 2001 the charity is Headway Derby.

HEADWAY DERBY is a registered charity and their aim is to help people with head injury and their carers to have a better quality of life.

Based in Ford Street, Derby they provide a day centre open two days a week where members can socialise and continue their integration back into society after their traumatic experience. Members enjoy playing pool and table tennis as well as doing jigsaws and craft activities including painting. They also have facilities to use computers with training and a monthly newsletter is produced by the members. Lunch is provided along with regular outings by minibus to play snooker, ten pin bowling and go swimming.

A weekend in Blackpool, an activity day at Lea Green, a visit to Twycross Zoo and a canal boat trip were all popular excursions in the last year.

Limited funding comes from Derby City Council Social Services, Southern Derbyshire Health Authority and Health Improvement Programme and a successful Awards for All lottery grant helped with the provision of computers.

As the charity becomes more successful and better known the running costs soar and all donations are well used to help people who aquire head injuries very often through no fault of their own.

Head injury care and support
Headway Derby

17.BSCA, East Midland Area Championships 2001

18.Adventure Youth Games.

This activities day, designed for ages 8 to 18, takes place at Carsington on Saturday 9th June. Further information can be obtained from or by tel: 01629 580000 ext. 5861.


20.Road Race Judging Training.

We intend to include a training workshop for prospective road race judges at Darley Moor during the event on June 10th. See Rob if you are interested.

22.Matlock CC Open Events in June.

The Grouse Open 10 takes place on Tuesday, 5th June using the A10/16. I am afraid that you are too late to enter but we desperately need marshals for this event. Apparently an auction of equipment, etc is taking place at the farm next to the village hall at 17.00. HELP!

Note that entries for Tarmac 25, close on Tuesday, 19th June.

The BSCA East Midland Region Championships have been moved from Matlock because of foot and mouth and now are included in the National Championships. These Championships take place on South Common, Lincoln, on Saturday, 23rd June, starting at 13.00. Entry costs £5 for the National and £1.50 for the Regional Championships, ie £6.50. [Entry fees for club members can be reclaimed from our young rider‘s fund]. One ride gives two results. Organiser is John Cotton, 64, Yarborough Crescent, Lincoln. LN13LU. [01522540006]. You must pre-enter for these events.

These events are open to all riders of school age and are divided into age groups. Under 8, years 3 and below. Under 10, years 4 and 5. Under 12, years 6 and 7. Under 14, years 8 and 9, Under 16, years 10 and 11. Over 16, years 12 and 13 up to 19 years old.

Boys and girls have separate championships.

23.National 24 Hours Championship.

pChris Hopkinson is to ride this year‘s championship which takes place Saturday/Sunday 28/29 July in the North Shropshire area. Richard Clark is organising support teams. There will be a meeting at the clubroom after the long hilly on Thursday, 14th June, starting at about 19.45 to discuss and plan this support. Please come if you can or phone Richard on 01773 852117.

24.Points Competition Update

25.Lady Manners School Cycling Club.

Next meeting is at 12.05 on Friday, 29th June in lab 68

26.Trix Awards.

The next Trix awards session takes place on Saturday, 16th June at Stancliffe Hall School, starting at 10.00. Cost 50p.

For those who have made the BCF Challenge area final at Nottingham there will be a chance to try out a similar course.

Enter our Open 25 mile Time Trial on July 1st

For more details Ring (01629) 734996 or Email

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