Fourth Edition

Matlock Cycling Club Newsletter

January 2002

A happy and prosperous New Year to all our readers

Matlock Cycling Club's Home Page.

1. Mountain Bike Section.

Meets each Saturday morning in January at the station car park entrance. These rides meet at 9.15 and leave at 9.30.

Monday evening rides start outside the Laburnum, Hackney Road, at 18.30.

Further details of both outings from Tony Holmes.

2. Thanks.

Thanks to all who supported the club‘s cross at Brickyard Farm by competing, setting up the course or marshalling on the day.

3. Club Room.

The Barn club room is open each Thursday evening.

Date Programme Speaker/In charge Time
3rd January Resolutions / Season Planning Phil 20.00
10th January Coaching workshop Phil 20.00
17th January Dr Bike Robin 20.00
24th January Club Auction Harry 19.00
31st January Training for Marshals Harry 20.00
7th February Dominoes Phil 20.00
14th February Love St Valentine 20.00
21st February Dr Bike Rob20.00
28th February Bring a video Harry20.00

Ring Rob for a Dr Bike appointment.

Synopsis of January's social events.
3rd January, 8pm Season Planning

Racing on the road starts in 6 weeks! Plan now for a successful season.

10th January, 8pm Coaching Workshop

Use the expertise of our coaches to improve your performance.

17th January 8pm Dr Bike

Tony‘s bike works now?

Make an appointment with Dr Bike and give your machine a clean bill of health for the New Year.

Robin Gould puts the Club‘s professional tool kit to good use, doing the jobs members‘ find difficult at home.

Telephone Robin on 01629 822259 for an appointment.

24th January, 7pm Club Auction.

Get rid of your unwanted tackle, Christmas presents, etc. Make some money for yourself and the young riders fund.

Details of items for inclusion in the auction need to be with Harry as soon as possible.

Viewing from 7pm on the night.

31st January, 7pm Training for Marshals.

With the introduction of the common standards for cycle races on the highway in the next few years we need to have some trained marshals.

Come and see what it‘s all about.

4. Web Sites.

Matlock Cycling Club‘s Home Page can be found at

Mark Fairman, our webmaster, needs information, news, views, photos, jpegs, etc for the web site. He can be contacted by Email

The club‘s newsletters and results can be found at

5. Dominoes.

Men‘s Leader: Ron Duggins 4 pts
Ladies‘ Women's: Wendy Smith 2 Pts

6. Press Secretary.

Ron Duggins is our Press Secretary. He can be reached on 01629 584677 or Email using . He needs your news by 20.00 on the Sunday evening.

7. Trophies.

If you were unable to collect your trophy at the Club Dinner and Trophy Presentation they will be avaiable at club on 31st January and 7th February.

You could collect your trophy from Parkside during February if you make a prior appointment

Has any one got any old, spare trophies that we could modify and use. We have several ”Championships• that do not have a trophy.

Trophy winners 2001

8.Club Subscriptions, 2002.

They remain unchanged from 2001, Seniors: £10, Under-23: £5, Under-18: £1, Family: £15. All under -18 members are required to be members of either the BCF or the CTC. Subscriptions to Tony Holmes please.

9. BCF Membership Offer.

Club members who are 15 and below and are not already BCF members can join for £5, including any racing licences. BCF membership now lasts for 12 months.

10. Time Trials 2002.

First draft of the club‘s time trials can be found in the clubroom and on the website. Comments on the mistakes welcomed and sought.

11. Pedal Power 2002.

Send your articles for the 2002 edition of Pedal Power to Danny. Write the article now when things happen and let Danny be responsible for losing them. The next edition should appear just after Easter 2002.

You should have received a copy of the 2001 Pedal Power with a recent Newsletter. Contact Harry if your copy was missing.

12. Easter Tour.

The 2002 version is visiting the Normandy/Brittany border region of France. Dates: Monday, 25th March to Friday, 29th March (Good Friday). Cost: Around £250-£300. If you are interested please let me know by 11/01/02 by ringing 734996 or Email to

13. Open Events.

Matlock's open events in 2002

14. Tuesday Rides.

Richard Thoday is organising a group ride on Tuesday evenings leaving Crown Square at 19.00. They hope to cover 35/40 miles.

Includes a ride on New Year's Day

>p? For more details call Richard on 01629 582300.

15. Cyclo-cross Training..

Cyclo-cross training at Cromford under Matlock Rugby Club‘s floodlights. 7.0 pm on Tuesdays. Everyone welcome - come and have a laugh as you suffer and learn!!!

Special Session on New Year's Day!

Ron has more details.

16. Cyclo Cross.

There is a free event for under-12s nearly every Saturday during the winter. Details of these events can be found at or by phoning Harry Gould.

17. Summer Tour 2002.

We will be going to the Dordogne and Lot Valleys in France.

Dates are Monday, 15th July to Wednesday, 24th July. The cost will be around £440 (depending on numbers and the Euro). Booking January 2002

18. Circuit Training.

Due to un-sustainable losses over the Autumn term the club has reluctantly decided not to continue with circuit training. Thanks to all those who have supported the club over the years.

19. Club Dinner and Prize Presentation.

The date is Friday, 18th January, 2002 at The Coach House, Lea.

Places limited to 50

Ring Robin for tickets and details of the menu.

20. Club Charity 2002

Every year the club club decides to support a different charity and any funds raised from a variety of events will be donated to the charity chosen for that particular year.

In 2002 the charity is the Derbyshire Air Ambulance.

21..BSCA, East Midland Area Championships 2002

22.Lady Manners School Cycling Club

23.Impruve Events

Activities for all ages but especially those under 16

24. Chris Hopkinson.

Commiserations to Chris Hopkinson who fell off his bike on Clifton Bridge and broke his leg (only one leg note) near to the ball joint on his femur. Now pinned and stapled he is taking an enforced rest till at least March. Watch out for his rivetting talk as a guest speaker at a future club evening.

Harry Gould 01629 822259
Rob Gould 01629 822259
Tony Holmes 01629 734753
Phil 01629 825727
Richard Clark 01773 852117Snail mail only!

For more details Ring (01629) 734996 or Email

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We are waiting for you to book your place for France in 2002