First Edition

Matlock Cycling Club Newsletter

August 2001

Circuit training starts on Wednesday, 12th September

Matlock Cycling Club's Home Page.

1. Mountain Bike Section.

Meets each Saturday morning in August at the station car park entrance. These rides meet at 9.15 and leave at 9.30.

Monday evening rides start outside the Laburnum, Hackney Road, at 18.30.

Further details of both outings from Tony Holmes on 01629 734753.

2. Thanks.

Thanks to all who supported the Tarmac 25 by either riding organising or marshalling. Congratulations to the winners and thanks to Tarmac for their generous sponsorship.

Thanks to those who judged at the two Darley Moor crits in July.

Thanks to the 3 backup crews who supported Chris Hopkinson in his 24 hour Championship ride.

Thanks to those riders who helped us (just) retain the inter-club trophy against Buxton.

3. Club Room.

The Barn club room is open each Thursday evening after the hilly time trial from about 19.30.

Date Programme
Thursday, 16th August Dr Bike
Ring Harry on 01629 822259 for a Dr Bike appointment.

4. Web Sites.

Matlock Cycling Club‘s Home Page can now be found at

Mark Fairman, our webmaster, needs information, news, views, photos, jpegs, etc for the web site. He can be contacted by Email

The club‘s newsletters and results can be found at

5. Club Kit.

Order form available from Steve ward or Harry Gould.. Return his form to Steve Ward as soon as possible please.

6. Press Secretary.

Ron Duggins is our Press Secretary. He can be reached on 01629 584677 or Email using . He needs your news by 20.00 on the Sunday evening.

7. Trophies.

Has anyone seen the 20 trophy? Still missing! Someone must have it!

8. Club Events.

If you are under 18 you need to have completed a parental consent form before your first race.

Day Date Event Course Time Start
Thursday 2nd August Long Hilly 7 18.30 Cromford Railway Station
Tuesday 7th August 10 5 18.30 4 Lane Ends. DD
Thursday 9th August Short Hilly 2 18.30 Cromford Railway Station
Tuesday 14th August 5 1 18.30 Lay by on A6
Thursday 16th August Short Hilly 2 18.30 Cromford Railway Station
Tuesday 21st August 5 1 18.30 Lay by on A6
Thursday 23rd August Short Hilly 2 18.30 Cromford Railway Station
Tuesday 28th August 5 1 18.30 Lay by on A6
Thursday 30th August Short Hilly 2 18.30 Cromford Railway Station
No Dist Start Details
1 5 Lay-by on right on A6 A6-Ashford-left-Hassop island-Ashford
2 8 Cromford Railway Stn Lea Mill-Lea-5 ways-left-A615-Matlock
3 10 4 Lane Ends, B5057, DD A6-Picory Corner-Elton X roads-Darley Dale
4 25 Lay by near Firth Rixons Bakewell-Matlock-Bakewell-Darley Dale
5 10 4 Lane Ends, B5057, DD DD-Bakewell- Harrison Drive. DD
7 11 Cromford Railway Stn No. 2 + left at 5 ways, left, left and left to Lea
8 50 Picory Corner (Matlock - Bakewell)3
9 25 Picory Corner Tadd-Brierlow Bar-Neawhaven- Hawleys Bridge
10 10 Fairfield, Golf Course Three laps of Fairfield Common.

9. Club Night Winter Programme.

Thanks for the suggestions. Phil Smith and family are the new Social Secretaries. They still need more new ideas for winter 2001/2.

10. BCF Membership Offer.

Club members who are 15 and below and are not already BCF members can join for £5, including any racing licences. BCF membership now lasts for 12 months.

11. Club Subscriptions, 2001.

Club subs are long, long long overdue for existing members. They remain unchanged from 2000, Seniors: £10, Under-23: £5, Under-18: £1, Family: £15. All under-18 members are required to be members of either the BCF or the CTC. Subscriptions to Tony Holmes please.

12. Pedal Power 2002.

Send your articles for the 2002 edition of Pedal Power to Danny. Write the article now when things happen and let Danny be responsible for losing them. The next edition should appear just after Easter 2002.

You should have received a copy of the 2001 Pedal Power. If not, please contact harry Gould.

13. Darley Moor.

The next event organised by Rik is on Sunday, 26th August, with a 12.00 start. Help always appreciated at these events.

14. Open Events.

The Ashbourne Cup, promoted by the club, takes place at Darley Moor on Saturday, 11th August with a 12.00 start. Help appreciated with this event, especially in judging the finish!

15. Timekeepers.

Thanks to Danny for timing the July events. Timekeepers needed for the events on August, 7th, 9th, 14th and 16th.

16. Trix Awards.

The next Trix awards session takes place on Saturday, 22nd, September starting at 10.00. Finishing at about 12.00. Cost 50p for the tutorcard. This is followed by a round of the Notts & Derby Cyclo - X League using the grounds of Lea Green. The 12 and over race starts at 12.30 and the under-12 race, which is free, starts at 13.30.

17. National 24 Hours Championship.

Congratulations to Chris Hopkinson who rode 440.93 miles in this event for 5th place. Is this the first 24 hour result the club has ever had?

18. Cyclo Cross.

Its nearly that time of year again. Remember that you now need to join the BCF if you are going to compete in the N&D X League. Harry or Tony have the forms. More details from Harry.

19. Raleigh Get Set Scheme.

The Derbyshire Dales ”Raleigh Get Set Scheme• at St Elphins School is already more than fully booked. You could try for a reserve place at the one next week or get your name down for the next one as that will probably get fully booked when it is advertised. Cost is £20 for the week long course. Ring Harry for more details.

20. Circuit Training.

This starts again in September on Wednesday evenings. This is the make or break term when we need to break even for these sessions to continue. Please come yourself and bring a friend. You can do as much or as little as you like!

21. Club Charity 2001

Every year the club club decides to support a different charity and any funds raised from a variety of events will be donated to the charity chosen for that particular year.

In 2001 the charity is Headway Derby.

HEADWAY DERBY is a registered charity and their aim is to help people with head injury and their carers to have a better quality of life.

Based in Ford Street, Derby they provide a day centre open two days a week where members can socialise and continue their integration back into society after their traumatic experience. Members enjoy playing pool and table tennis as well as doing jigsaws and craft activities including painting. They also have facilities to use computers with training and a monthly newsletter is produced by the members. Lunch is provided along with regular outings by minibus to play snooker, ten pin bowling and go swimming.

A weekend in Blackpool, an activity day at Lea Green, a visit to Twycross Zoo and a canal boat trip were all popular excursions in the last year.

Limited funding comes from Derby City Council Social Services, Southern Derbyshire Health Authority and Health Improvement Programme and a successful Awards for All lottery grant helped with the provision of computers.

As the charity becomes more successful and better known the running costs soar and all donations are well used to help people who aquire head injuries very often through no fault of their own.

Head injury care and support
Headway Derby

22.BSCA, East Midland Area Championships 2001

For more details Ring (01629) 734996 or Email

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