Club Charity 2000


Crossroads is a registered charity that supports people who care for a physically or mentally disabled person of any age.

Its main objectives are:-

1) To recruit and provide Care Attendants: to relieve stress in the family or or carer of the disabled person.
To avoid admission to hospital or residential care of the disabled person should a breakdown or other failure occur in the household.

2) To supplement and complement, no replace, existing statutory services = and to work closely with them.

3) To strive to maintain a high and professional standard of care.

The local scheme, which the club is supporting, started in 1987 in the Northern Dales, expanding South in 1995. It now covers from Edale and the Hope Valley in the North down to Sudbury and Doveridge. The service is open to carers of people of any age or disability, mental or physical. There is normally no charge made for the service, although if the need exceeds the available funding a waiting list can operate.

Anyone wishing to know more about this organisation can contact the Scheme Manager at Newholme Hospital, Bakewell. Telephone 01629 812664.

For more details Ring (01629) 734996 or Email

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