1998 AGM Notes
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Matlock Cycling Club
Held at The Barn, Church Street, Matlock, Thursday 19 November at 8.00pm
1) Members Present
Robin Gould (Acting Chairman), Harry Gould, Tony Holmes, Mark Fairman, Peter Towey, Chris Mottram Sr, Jonathan Holmes, John White, Dave Thornley, Gordon Wibberley, Richard Cordin.
2) Apologies
Apologies were received from Keith Noble, Chris Mottram Jr and Len White.
3) Minutes of the last Meeting
The minutes of the last AGM held on 20 November 1997 were read and approved as a true record.
4) Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
5) Chairman's Report
In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, Robin Gould commented on the excellent performance of club members in all aspects of cycling. He said he was also pleased to see the continuing increase in members, which was of particular importance for the clubs participation in the Project Impruve programme.
6) Secretary's Report
The Secretary, Tony Holmes, thanked all those who had helped him in his first year as Club Secretary, particularly outgoing secretary, Danny Hopkinson and Harry Gould.
Club membership now stands at an excellent 140, with 26 of those already qualifying for 1999 membership. This provides the club with a solid membership base from which to work towards the target set out in the club's development plan submitted as part of the application for inclusion in the Project Impruve scheme.
In order that the membership levels are maintained and increased all members are asked to continue the recruitment drive and to encourage anyone who may be thinking about joining to actually do so.
The club now has a complete database of all members names and addresses, which has greatly assisted with the mailing of newsletters etc. If anyone changes their address, please let the Secretary know, in order that they are still retained on the mailing list.
7) Treasurer's Report
The Treasurer, Harry Gould, reported that with some bills still to pay the present balance is still in excess of £2000, which is well up on last year. There could still be some expenses to be paid out to Danny Hopkinson for the road races.
Club affiliations were still to be paid for the forthcoming season, dependant upon the outcome of tonight's vote.
The Treasurer also commented on the surprising amount of unpresented prize cheques which were outstanding from past events, totalling approximately £600.
The Young Riders Fund account also continues to increase, now standing at £2658, up by £400 in a year.
8) Time Trial Secretary's Report
The Time Trial Secretary, Chris Mottram, thanked all those members who had assisted at the various events during the course of the season, especially to organisers, marshals and timekeepers who had often helped in awful weather.
With the likely absence of Chris Mottram Jr in the forthcoming club season there is a potential timekeeping problem on the shorter distance club events.
Members were asked to remain vigilant with regard to the new road layout for the proposed Sainsbury's development at Cawdor Quarry and the new retail park at Rowsley.
9) Social Secretary's Report
In the absence of the Social Secretary no report was given.
10) Cyclo Cross Secretary's Report
Cyclo Cross Secretary, Harry Gould reported that last year had been a fantastic one for the club with youth and team champions at various levels. Special mention should go to Phil Spencer who was second in the North of England Championships and is currently leading the Youth category of the National Trophy. Bob Wood-Anderson was second Veteran in the North of England Championships and Harry Gould was second Grand Master Veteran. Bob is currently fourth vet in the National Trophy and could still move up.
The Notts and Derby League was dominated by Matlock CC and we only failed by one rider to get the club with most riders. Dan Alexander won the league and Chris Bond was leading Senior Veteran. The club had several riders in the top 20 and similar, if not better things are expected of the current season.
11) Mountain Bike Secretary's Report
MTB Secretary, Tony Holmes reported that the Saturday morning and Monday evening rides continue to attract a healthy number of riders, some of whom have been persuaded to join MCC and even compete for the club. The popularity of the rides is such that we have had riders from as far afield as New Zealand. The Thorn Tree has continued to provide welcome refreshment for the Monday night rides.
12) Road Race Secretary's Report
In the absence of the RR Secretary no report was given.
13) Press Secretary's Report
Press Secretary, Mark Fairman thanked all those who had given reports. Particular thanks were expressed for Harry Gould's assistance during Mark's enforced absence following his broken collarbone.
Reports had appeared regularly throughout the time trial and cross seasons in the Matlock Mercury, with particularly accurate and detailed reports appearing weekly in the Derby Evening Telegraph.
It is intended to contribute regularly to the Diary feature in the Peak Advertiser, so any news of forthcoming events will be welcome.
Mark also commented that it had been a pleasure to report on such good results.
A vote of thanks was called for by Harry Gould in recognition of Mark's excellent reports.
14) Club Affiliations
Members were asked to consider the continuance of affiliation to the following bodies BCF (fee £130), BCCA (fee £40), BSCA (fee £12.50), RTTC (fee £70), Peaks to Coast (affiliation free, but 50p levy per rider per event to provide funds following loss of sponsor), BDCA (free), Notts & Derbys Cyclo Cross League (fee £5), CDLCA (fee £10).
It was unanimously agreed that affiliation to all the above bodies should continue.
15) Election of Officers
Club officers for the forthcoming year were elected as below :-
Chairman Keith Noble
Vice Chairman Robin Gould
Secretary Tony Holmes
Treasurer Harry Gould
PRO/Press Secretary Mark Fairman
Social Secretary Vacant
Road Race Secretary Danny Hopkinson
Cyclo-X Secretary Harry Gould
Time Trial Secretary Chris Mottram Sr.
MTB Secretary Tony Holmes
HPV Secretary Andrew Marshall
Coaches Tim Gould
Rick Clark
Auditors Graham Goulding and John White
Four further committee places remain unfilled, including one lady and one young member. Requests for members to fill these vacancies are to be made in the club newsletter and website.
Until such time as a new Social secretary is found events will be organised by the main committee.
16) Project Impruve
Harry Gould thanked all those volunteers who had assisted at the events held so far.
The PI picture to date is that MCC are the 13th club accepted onto the scheme. South Normanton are now also on stream.
So far two events have been held by MCC, both at Stancliffe School. The first, which was held as part of the official Project Impruve launch , was a skills test where many of the participants qualified for bronze and silver awards.
The second event involved off road skills training. Both events attracted over 20 participants and were very well received by parents and children alike. Good press coverage was given to both events. Thanks were expressed to all volunteers who assisted.
The next PI event will be as part of the Brickyard Farm Cyclo Cross on 28 December. The junior events are sponsored by Nat West who have contributed various small prizes, with £100 prize money for the youth event.
Two more events are to be organised in the early new year. The first will be a cycle maintenance workshop to be held at The Barn and involving parents as well as children. The second will be an advanced version of the skills test held at the PI launch. This will give the opportunity for some to try for the gold award.
No definite dates have been fixed but volunteers will again be required to assist.
The Development Plan for PI gives various targets to achieve over a three year period e.g. membership for 1999 to be 130. The club is to be mentioned in the next edition of 'Slipstream' and this high profile must be maintained.
The East Midlands has been specifically mentioned in respect of National Lottery grants for sporting activities, with no matching money being required. This is an area we should seriously consider and will be an item for discussion at the next committee meeting.
Also still to be undertaken is the police screening of all those involved in dealing with children.
It was unanimously decided that club subscriptions should remain at their present level.
18) Club Charity
£33 was raised at the Pie & Pea supper for the current year's charity, Macmillan Cancer Relief Fund.
Options for next year's charity were discussed. It was decided that funds raised could be split between Sustrans and the Derwent Valley Lions appeal for Derbyshire Dales Community Transport.
19) Club Lunch
This is to be held on Friday 22 January at the Whitworth Hotel, 7.30pm for 8.00pm. Tickets are £11 and £8 for 16 year olds and under.
A request was made by Chris Mottram for all trophies to be returned as soon as possible.
20) Additional Comments
Money has been made available for local communities to put forward ideas on traffic calming measures at various locations highlighted as potentially dangerous. The likely changes to road layout as a result of the Cawdor Quarry scheme could result in gateways (as in Baslow), which pose a potential threat to cyclist safety, unless adequate gaps at the side are provided. All members should remain vigilant.
21) Next Meeting
The third Thursday in November 1999 i.e. !8th.November 1999.
The meeting closed at 9.30pm.
For more details Ring (01629) 734996 or Email cj@argonet.co.uk.
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